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What are transaction controls?
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Written by WEX
Updated over 4 years ago

Transaction controls are purchase limits and security alerts you can set to WEX Motorpass fuel cards. They can be set across all cards on an account-level or on individual cards on a card-level.

You can create a setting to either ‘Decline & Alert’* or ‘Approve & Alert’** the account holder in the following scenarios:

  • When a cardholder goes over the card’s set transaction value limit

  • When a cardholder goes over the card’s set litre volume limit

  • When a cardholder uses the card on the weekends

When a cardholder goes over the card’s set transaction count.

*Decline & Alert: Transactions will not be processed when controls are breached, and a notification will be sent to the account holder’s email address.

**Approve & Alert: Transactions will be processed when controls are breached, and a notification will be sent to the account holder’s email address.

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